Key Features:The wolf tooth trainer caps allow thru-axle bikes to be used with most wind, magnetic or fluid cycling trainers. Simply screw the caps into a wolf tooth 12mm rear thru-axle and get training.,Ideal for winter workouts when you want to stay on top of your game.,*only compatible with wolf tooth rear-axles and do not fit onto santa cruz nomad (2014 - present), hightower (2016 - present), blur (2018 - present).
Key Features:XLC Bicycle Rack VS-F09,Fits for all bikes with 20mm hollowtech,26-29",Turning the crank set is possible; so this bicycle rack is also recommended as a work stand for tuning operations.
Key Features:XLC Pro fix axle QR-H01,aluminum 7075,incl. Carbon lever,approx. 71g (150mm).
Key Features: Easy handling thanks to rotatable lever (in steps of 30°),Aluminium 7075,Aluminium lever 6061T6,Weight: 65/70/75g (depending on type).